Cloud Drive IO

Cloud Drive IO
Pris: Gratis
Kategori: Penge/Finansiering
Ingen stemmer
Udgivelsesdato: 6 januar 2014
Firma: Zitcom A/S
Størrelse: 36.02 MB
Version: 4.3.3
Udviklet til: Universal (iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad)


This is a free app that allows you to connect an iOS device to your Cloud Drive account. Cloud Drive makes it easy to access and share files with you colleagues or external partners.
You can access files from anywhere, both online or offline.

To be able to use the Cloud Drive app, you will need an account provided by Zitcom A/S.

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Cloud Drive IO
stemmer: iPhone/iPad App - Cloud Drive IOstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - Cloud Drive IOstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - Cloud Drive IOstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - Cloud Drive IOstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - Cloud Drive IO
Sc2 Spree
Intergration med MS office og ligende
Hej Zitcom Kan i svare mig på hvorfor jeg kun kan se mine dokumenter, men ikke redigere dem på min telefon og iPad? Kan hellef ikke gemme et dokument fra office ned i cloud drive?
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