Geodatastyrelsen - iPhone / iPod Touch

112 app

112 app
Pris: Gratis
Kategori: Værktøj
stemmer: iPhone/iPad App - 112 appstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - 112 appstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - 112 appstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - 112 appstemmer: iPhone/iPad App - 112 app 138 stemmer
Firma: Geodatastyrelsen
Udgivelsesdato: 4 april 2013
Udviklet til: iPhone / iPod Touch

Please note that in order to install Denmark’s official 112 app correctly, you have to enter your phone number in the app after downloading it.

Denmark’s official 112 app is developed by The Danish National Police, Copenhagen Fire Brigade and The Danish Geodata Agency. It is financed by TrygFonden.

With Denmark’s official 112 app you can call th...
